How Did I Pass ISTQB Foundation Level Exam?
Almost one month ago, I successfully passed the ISTQB foundation level exam with only one week but dedicated work. To be fair, because I only had one week to be prepared for it, I felt a little nervous as first. So many questions kept my mind busy like how could I master of the whole subject in a week. In the end, I can say that even you have limited time, you can be successful in this exam with a systematic study.
I would also like to point out that, hence I have been working in IT departments of several companies for years, I have already enough information on test topics like testing, test life-cycles, test procedures, importance for project or product and many others. This was the biggest factor that could help me to be ready in a week.
However, it is never enough to be successful in this exam without be prepared and considering only the experience. If you think about taking the exam with only trusting on your business knowledge, it is possible that you cannot pass the exam on the first try. The exam is based on a specific resource and all questions asked in the exam are taken from this resource. If your answer based on your own work experience does not match this resource, you will have given a wrong answer. Therefore, you definitely need to take the exam by working more or less.
Exam Preparation Resources and how to use:
The biggest and the most important resource of the exam is ISTQB CTFL Syllabus. The entire exam is based on this resource. So first thing you need to know is you must read syllabus more than once. Reading syllabus for the first time, can only give you an idea of the scope of the exam. Since Syllabus is approximately 80 pages, at first glance, it can be seen as a limited source of information. However, it is a concentrated source of information and you are very likely to encounter a question from almost every line. That’s why, from my standpoint, the syllabus should be read at least twice before taking exam. My suggestion on this subject is taking syllabus and sample question solving together during the preparation process. You should never leave solving sample questions to the final stage. ISTQB questions are usually tricky questions, you can encounter a lot of word games, and the questions are often asked as “what is the most appropriate” and “the most correct”. Try to take a few sample exams after reading Syllabus for the first time. This will help you getting use to with exam question types and styles. With these sample exams, you will see which subject you understand well and to what extent. You can easily reach the sample questions from the internet and Udemy education platform.
Another important resource in preparing for the exam will be Glossary. If you already know the meaning of many words related test, test processes, software, test cycle, software life cycle and etc. you don’t need to scan glossary from head to toe. My suggestion would be to go back and look at Glossary while reading Syllabus, if you encounter a word whose meaning you don’t know or cannot be sure of.
Tips for the exam study
First, at least once (depending on your experience and knowledge of the testing process), read Syllabus thoroughly. Check the Glossary if there are concepts you do not understand. Take note of unfamiliar words.
Then take the two sample exams on the ISTQB website. Instead of just checking the solutions of your wrong answers, read the all answers of the questions also including you have answered correctly. Each explanation in the answer key will teach you another information or give you information about the expected answer approach in the actual exam.
After solving the sample questions, you need to read Syllabus from the very beginning. You will easily notice that you are reading Syllabus with a different eye. For example, you can realize that some information that was previously very insignificant to you is an important subject for the exam and you can shape your studies accordingly. Also, when you read it for the second time, you will notice how the sentences are better understood in your brain, unlike your first reading.
In the next stage, if you feel that you need, you can get training from training platforms or you can solve more sample exams by purchasing. You can also browse on the internet for the sample questions. You will see there are countless documents and sample exams on the internet but what is the similarity of these exams with the actual one? As someone who has taken the exam, I can easily tell you that these sample exams on are very close to the actual exam in terms of question patterns, questioning content, terminology, and scope of the subject. Since you have solved the ISTQB sample exams before, you can easily decide whether the documents or exams on the internet (may) match the actual exam and you will not waste your time and effort.
Take the two sample exams on the website again just before taking the actual exam. In this way, you will be able to see that you have answered the questions more easily and consciously, and you have done the rehearsal of the exam. There will of course be questions you still cannot answer. In this way, you will also see what you need to go over.
If you have the preparation process with a system similar to above, it is very low chance you fail. I wish everyone success in advance. :)